Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Three Doodlebugz...

This entry is dedicated to my three wonderful nieces. One of the things I've found the hardest about living 5000+km away from my family, is not being there at special occasions. As you know, my
sister recently had her third baby, Ella Grace. I've seen a few pictures of her, but I'll only get to meet the little one in July when I'm out there next. Pictures are one way of showing how people are changing, kids are growing, your house is decorated, your dog is looking, etc., but it's not the real thing. Pictures are visual stimulants, but have you ever smelt or heard something, like a coal burning fire, a turkey being roasted, an old song, or someone's laugh and thought: "that reminds me of...." I know I do it all the time. I get that familiar pull towards the memory and wish I could be there. My advice to anyone who lives near by their family members is, don't, whatever you do, take them for granted. I've lived in England for 3 years and four months, and there isn't a day I don't wonder what my family across the water is up to.
So, to you Morgan, Paige, and Ella, I will most likely be that-Aunt-you-didn't-see-very-often from your childhood memories, but if my love were rays of sunshine, It would be shining in your window all the time.
This goes for all my family reading this, blood related or extended!!!
I'm thinking of you always


Doodlebugz said...

What a beautiful post Auntie Sarah!!! We miss you very much, and can't wait to see you this summer. I hop you don't mind, but Mummy stole that sun to put on our blog.

Country Girl said...

Gotta Spread the Sunshine!!!
Hugs & Kisses by the potfull to everyone!