The Rollright Stones
This weekend, Ed told me he had never been to the Rollright stones! In the almost 4 years we've been together I'm very surprised we haven't been there before now especially seeing as we live less than 30 minutes from them. So after finding Dad's handy little guide book from 1977 we headed out to have a look. Both Ed and I had a go at counting the King's Men stones within the circle. The legend is that no man can count the stones three times and end up with the same number after each count. Any man who does can be granted any wish he wants. A skeptical Ed went round three times and counted 71, 69, and 70. While I counted 76, 75, and 79 so I guess the Witches win again, and non of our wishes will be granted! The weather forecast wasn't optimistic, but luck was on our side because we had bright sun and a light breeze the whole time we were there. I hadn't been there in a couple years, and actually the last time I was there was with my Dad. I guess now I have to brush up on my tour guide spiel, so this was good practice! Here are just a few photos of our little outing.
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