Tuesday, October 11, 2005

He he he he!!!!
It was a total and complete utter success.
nt at our table were: myself, Jem, Catherine, Ben, Dave, Khaled, Tom, Martin, Ed, and Jukka....there were supposed to be two other people! Kayleigh and Michelle: sorry you couldn't come!We had everything on the aforementioned menu, plus stuffing ( I gave in and got a box). My search at Sainsbury's grocery store (store/try #6) didn't have pumpkin pie either, but that was alright cause my cherry pie was an absolute winner (you'll see pictures)! Ben whipped the cream to perfecting (Thanks Ben!)...there's nothing like warm cherry pie.
Ma, Padre: thanks for the last minute recipe. We had a great time. I have taken photos, and will post the, asap.
My sister Catherine nemed her turkey Hubert. Suffice it to say that my c
hickens also had names: Chicky-Chick, and Birdy-Bird. Both roasted to perfection in bags. We are all very full now...
Thanks to the guyes for helping me do the dishes (even though I know you only wanted to roll around on the chairs in the kitchen).
Ha-ah! Roast a bird by myself...check! What's next???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and a great meal it was