Saturday, November 11, 2006

Remembrance Day

Yet again, November the 11th is on our calendars, and we find ourselves buying poppies for appeals, and wearing them proudly for all the people we personally want to remember as well those we never knew. My Grandfather fought in the war, while my Nana, Grandpa George, and Nana Bettie (correct me parent units if I get this wrong) were involved in other aspects of the action, while my Grandma Isabelle stayed in Canada to look after the 'future' the people were fighting for: my Dad, and Uncle Paul at the time. As I was growing up, no one spoke of details about their experiences. No one needed to, because details were unnecessary. The fact that I, and others in my generation were their to spend time with them, and to live our lives freely, was evidence of the worthy cause. I have always been touched by seeing footage and photos, and know they don't even begin to come close to the reality of it all, and thank goodness! I hope was the man and woman fought for will remain for many years to come. The world wont be perfect, but they fought to make it better, I think succeeded too.
From the bottom of my heart...Thank you!

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