Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Never Thought I'd Do This!!!

So, last night was interesting. I'll explain: For past few days, Ed and I have been sharing a key because his seems to have got missing again. So, I'd go out without the key, and Ed would meet me, and he would have the key. Therefore, when I had Volleyball from 8-10pm last night, I headed out without the key knowing Ed would come to meet me at the Sports Centre after training. As we were walking home, he says: "I found my key!" "Good!" I say. We continue to walk home. At our front door, I learn that even though he found the key, it didn't quite make it out with him, and he'd left it inside by accident. And, since I didn't have a key, we were lcked out, and none of our housemates were home!!! So, failing to get in the back door, I checked the kitchen window (One main big one, and a little one above it). The lock on the inside of the little window on top, was just closed enough that I could jiggle it open. Doing that, I used my scarf to pull up the other handle, therefore unlocking the bigger window. This is when I found myself climbing over my sink. As I stared at the sink, from above (!?) I wondered how I looked.....
Needless to say, we got in, and Ed put his key in his pocket.


Country Parson said...

Everyone one does this at least once, but it's best when it's only once! I remember locking myself out on a frosty winter evening in Montreal when I'd gone to take the bin out. I had to break in through a cellar window, and then remove the door at the top of the cellar stairs. Wouldn't it have been lovely if the police had chosen that time to come by!

Anonymous said...

way to go! Isn't scary how easy it is to get broken into even by such an inexperienced burglar such as yourself. Next time try to remember you camera when you forget your key pictures are worth a thousand words ha you, miss you, hug you , kiss you.

Country Girl said...

Yes, hopefully, this was a one off...put it certainly gaveEd a good kick! :D