HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!I welcomed in the New Year, 2007, by ringing our church bells with seven other people. Afterwards, my Mother, our house-guest and very good family friend, Jim, enjoyed a lovely cool, tall glass of Champagne!
In true tradition, I have made a few New Year's resolutions:
1. To keep in better touch with my sisters, and close friends.
2. Not to snack (a lot) during the day.
3. To go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week.4. To get a job.
5. Not to be too lazy.
-but most of all:6. To relax at times of stress; not to see all the little things and let them bother me; to worry only about myself (most of the time); and to take naps.
Who's knows which day in January I'll get to before I break all of the above resolutions. However
I live in hope. I wish the very best to all of you. May you keep all your important resolutions, and prosper in your endeavours in the New Year! xoxoxox
Going Home!!!At last, I'm homeward bound. I have one more class from 11-1, then I'll be free and clean! Ahhhh.Mmm...warm fires, Daddy's egg nog, Mummy's desserts, my room, the piano, my parents....bliss!!!Happy Holidays!xoxox
Happy Birthday Eddie!My Man turned 21 this year, and in proper style, we celebrated it. I'm glad to report that by the end of all the festivities, he said he was all partied out! His birthday was on the 6th of Dec, and it all started the weekend before. 5 of his friends arrived the Friday, and we had sausage pizza, then the rest arrived for Saturday night. In all, we had about 20-25 young people in our poor little house. I made a cake for the birthday boy, and made sure it was a mature cake for the 21-year-old ;P We had an awesome time. Ed is lucky to have such a large group of really great friends, who have all been so welcoming to me. Wednesday, he and I had a romantic dinner the two of us. I made him tuna steaks, with buttery mash topped with chives, and fresh green beans. For dessert we had lemon cheesecakes! The weekend after his birthday, we went to his house for the weekend. His Mum made a roast dinner for his on the Sunday (this is his favourite meal). So, with his Mum, his brother Jack, Bruce (the dog), and with me, he finished the last of his 10 day long celebration. You only turn 21 once, and Ed's worth all the excitement :) Happy Birthday, Sweety! 'Till the next year. xoxoxox
Christmas Gift Ideas for a WomanI read this comic today, and imediately thought of my Dad. My Mum is definitely not the useless type, and would appreciate this fully. I think the The Canadian Tire commercials should redirect their sales pitches to women as well (no offence, Kev!) :Dxox
click to enlarge
Less Than 10 Days to Go!WOO HOO! I am nearly half way through my degree! I still have quite a bit to do before then, though. Today I had a University visit day, and I was a tour guide, and tonight is Ed's birthday dinner (I'm making him tuna steaks); then tomorrow class, essay workage, then volleyball in the evening; Friday, Ed and I go to his house for the weekend, where his Mum will cook him a roast for his birthday, and I'm making him another cake; Tuesday is the University carol service at the Cathedral, then I'm going out with a friend of mine, Kayleigh; Thursday is an in-house volleyball tournament, and Friday I get picked up to go home! *sigh* And all in a week and a half.....Wish me Luck!!!xox
Happy Birthday Mummy!!!You've raised three strong girls, married a good man (if I may say so), achieved so much, and continue to do so everyday, as well as teach me something valuable everyday. I always hear people exclaming how talented, wonderful, gracious, full of surprises, etc. you are. I for one agree with them 100%! I am so proud to say that half my genes are from you.
But what do you get for the woman who had done so much for eveyone, and has seemingly endless talents...a drink, of course! Bartender: a 'Queen Mum' for the Queen of Mums! Love you lots Ma, and I always will. Your Darling Daghter, Elly-May xox
Me, my Mother, and my sister Catherine, after our village concert.
La Petit MuffinIn our house we had an honourary dog. She was my Godmothers, and on occasion she would come to play, or for a sleep over with her Auntie-Margaret. Everyone in the house loved little Muffin, and settled into (and played) both houses perfectly. Unfortunately, Muffin had to put to sleep a few days ago. She was unwell and clearly unhappy.
Given that she has brought joy and amusement to so many lives with her little squeaking noises, or her ability to cuddle, a little relief will go a long way for her.
She sleeps now, awaiting the next time someone can come and play with her (and feed her, I'm sure hopes.)
Muffina and her Auntie-Margaret
A clean Muffin...awaiting food.